
How to Build High-Performance Habits That Stick Fast & Forever by Funnel Hacking Your Subconscious Mind


I wrote a 336 page book called The Habit Funnel Method to show you the exact method for reprogramming your habits at the source - so you can stop sucking at building habits that improve your life & grow your business... and start building habits that drive success.

The Habit funnel Method

So how do you know if this book is what you need?

Are you struggling to build habits that last?  Does this sound familiar?

Can't stick to new habits for more than a few weeks?
Struggling to figure out which habits actually grow your business?
Battling with poor physical or mental health?
Changing habits more often than you change underwear?
Desperately want long-lasting change, but can't crack the code?
Too busy hustling to find time for friends, family or life outside of work?
Want a simple system that helps you build habits fast, and forever?

In The Habit Funnel Method I share hard-won secrets to building habits that stick, habits that will take you in the direction of your boldest ambitions and help you finally unlock the code of personal and business success once and for all.

What makes this method different form any other books on habits you might have read, is that I think there's something missing that is STOPPING YOU FROM MAKING YOUR HABITS AUTOMATIC, that other writers and gurus haven't told you.

Look, they're not wrong, they just don't see the way I do. I believe that for habit change to really work you must make changes at the level of your subconscious - not just changes to your conscious thoughts and behaviours.

This central idea drives my method, and I believe it is THE #1 SECRET to unlocking permanent habit change.

So, if you want to change your habits faster and more permanently than ever before, you MUST change your subconscious programming - and that's exactly what I show you how to do in this book.

That might sound like a lot, but...


Make detailed notes

The way you’ve been shown how to build habits in the past is not entirely wrong, but it is incomplete.

Create action points

A complete habit change system must show you how to explore the invisible aspects of yourself in order to create lasting change in your visible behaviours.

Unlock your success

The Habit Funnel Method helps you visually map out your habits so you can clearly see the points of failure, and fix them fast and forever.


Full Habit Funnel Sequence Model


"Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor."

Cras magna semper neque. Curabitur donec sodales. Himenaeos curabitur morbi turpis nunc! Diam fermentum pellentesque torquent libero magna aptent?


A simple step-by-step system for designing & installing habits that actually stick:

The Habit Funnel Method

Uncover the unseen forces that drive your actions and learn to reprogram your subconscious for success.
This book goes beyond traditional habit-change methods, introducing you to the groundbreaking concept of Quantum Habits and offering a step-by-step guide to building habits that genuinely last.

#1 - Audit

To change your habits, the first step is to identify your current habits - the good, bad and ugly - by auditing your daily routines.

#2 - Decide

Next, it's time to choose which habits you want to keep, break or create in order to achieve your business and life goals.

#3 - Map

By mapping out your habit step-by-step you identify the exact thoughts, feelings & urges that cause your habitual behaviours.

#4 - Reprogram

A Habit Funnel shows you the critical points of failure inside your habits, so you can make changes to the source programming.

#5 - Strengthen

Just like hitting the gym to build your biceps, you'll build your habit muscles through repetition and consistency over time.

#6 - Automate

You'll develop the resilience to persist with your new habits until they become automatic with practical tools & exercises.

The Habit Funnel Method Online E-Learning Course

Who is this book for?
This is only for business owners who...

Seek a Deep Transformation: Desire a profound change in their personal and professional lives, looking beyond superficial fixes to fundamentally alter their approach to success and productivity.
Struggle with Persistent Bad Habits: Battle recurring negative behaviors that obstruct their path to success, seeking effective strategies for swift and lasting change.
Aim to Master Their Subconscious: Wish to delve into the depths of their subconscious mind to understand and reprogram the underlying drivers of their actions for better business outcomes.
Need to Refine Their Decision-Making: Require a refined approach to decision-making, aiming to enhance their ability to choose actions that align with their highest goals and aspirations.
Want to Harness the Power of 'Quantum Habits': Are intrigued by the potential of Quantum Habits to make significant life changes through understanding and adjusting the invisible components of habit formation.
Are Frustrated With Temporary Fixes: Have experienced the disappointment of short-lived solutions and are in pursuit of strategies that promise enduring results.
Seek Clarity in Their Purpose and Actions: Looking for clarity and alignment between their deepest values and their day-to-day actions, ensuring that their business and personal lives are deeply interconnected.
Believe in the Potential for Personal Evolution: Are convinced that personal growth is key to professional success and are committed to a journey of continuous self-improvement and learning.
Are Ready to Take Control of Their Future: Feel poised to take the reins of their destiny, moving from being reactive to proactive in shaping their lives and businesses.
Desire a Balanced Approach to Success: Understand that true success encompasses both personal well-being and professional achievement, striving for a balanced life that honours both.

If you're a business owner, entrepreneur, digital creator or anyone trying to make a living on the internet AND your business sucks BECAUSE your habits suck... 

This book is going to give you the clarity and systems you need to get unstuck and start living the life & having the business you always dreamed of, but haven't realised... until now!

Join the others who love The Habit Funnel Method

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Patricia Phillips

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Sharon Smith

Laoret semper venena proina intege tempor lectus ipsume minim vertis evenie dolors portti vulput lacusa sagitt platea.

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Edward Lewis

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Lisa King

Ipsume dolors vertis platea laoret lectus semper venena intege proina vulput sagitt evenie minim portti tempor lacusa.

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Kenneth Lee

Venena lectus intege platea portti ipsume laoret tempor vulput sagitt vertis evenie proina dolors minim semper lacusa.

Brandon Lee

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Maria Green

Vulput evenie semper proina ipsume venena sagitt dolors minim laoret intege tempor platea lectus vertis portti lacusa.

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Donald Moore

Inside of this book, I'm going to share with you...

The secrets to habit change that took me decades to perfect - you now get instant access to every single one inside the pages of this game-changing book:

The New Model of Habit Change that helps you instantly identify points of failure in your Behaviours, Thoughts, Feelings & Impulses so that you can fix bad habits fast, and change them permanently! (Pg. 38)
How To Develop 'Habit X-Ray Vision' so you can make changes to the source code of your conditioned responses, ensuring that when you change your habits they stay changed (Pg. 43)
Why It's Critical That You Develop Self-Mastery and a simple 7-Step model that shows you how (Pg. 45)
How To Unlock The Mysteries of  Permanent Habit Change by exploring the hidden depths of your "quantum" subconscious self (Pg. 53)
8 Critical Reasons why Business Owners (You) cannot afford to have habits that suck (and what to do about it) (Pg. 58)
Why Quantum Physics & An Entangled Cat hold the secrets to habit change that actually lasts - and drives you towards your goals (Pg. 63) 
The 10 Internal Systems that help you identify where your compulsions to act, think & feel are really coming from (Pg. 77)
The Ridiculously Easy & Effective 2-Step Process that allows you to hack your subconscious simply by listening to your inner dialogue (Pg. 90)
How To Design & Use A 'Habit Funnel' - a simple visual roadmap that breaks down the sequence of events that make up your habits (Pg. 100)
The 4-Step '30,000ft-view' Habit Change Process Model that helps you create a habit transformation roadmap to success (Pg. 105)
The 3-Step Habit Audit Method that helps you audit your daily routine to identify and classify your current habits (Pg. 116)
The 5 Peak Habitsevery business owner must have to ensure not only a thriving business, but a thriving personal life & mental health (Pg. 122)
The Amazing 5-Minute Visualisation Technique that helps you 'bring the future forward' to make your wildest dreams happen today (Pg. 136)
The '12-6-3-0' Planning Protocol  that guarantees you will be a changed person 365 days from now (super powerful!) (Pg. 139) 
How to Ensure Long-Haul Success by becoming gritty AF to guarantee habits become automatic sooner and stick for longer (Pg. 144)
How To 'Stack, Track & Hack' your way to an unbroken chain of habit success that keeps you motivated, enthusiastic & rewarded (Pg. 147)
Leverage This 4-Phase Psychological Model to learn how to analyse your own subconscious - and save thousands on therapy! (Pg. 195)
Radically Improve Your Thinking & Mindset by understanding the 12 ways you're likely sabotaging your own mind and results (Pg. 209)
Apply The 12 Principles of Top 1% Performers to make this the last book on habits you'll ever have to read - because you've become a habit-building master (Pg. 213)

And that's just a taste of what I show you inside the book!

I've literally synthesised 20+ years of building and running digital businesses, 22 years of self-development and a relentless quest for self-mastery, 8 years of coaching entrepreneurs and business owners, 7 years of researching and experimenting with peak performance, practical psychology, human behaviour and the neurobiology of flow states into the 336 pages of The Habit Funnel Method.


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If you read the book and go through all the material, and you're like "nah, this ain't for me", simply email me and I'll refund your money in full. No questions asked, valid for an entire year.


So, Who is Chris G. McLean?

Chris G. McLean brings over two decades of experience in coaching, personal development, and unlocking human potential. With The Habit Funnel Method, he shares the culmination of years of research, practice, and success into a method designed for real-world application.

Decades of Expertise:

With over 20 years in business and personal coaching, Chris has dedicated his life to unlocking human potential.

Transformative Coach:

Known for his innovative approach, Chris helps business owners, entrepreneurs and creatives to unlock their true potential.

Author and Synthesiser:

Chris has distilled complex theories of subconscious influence and habit dynamics into this accessible and transformative book.

Chris McLean Habit Funnels creator

Lifelong Learner:

Chris's methods are a synthesis of extensive research and practical application across various disciplines.

Personal Journey:

Chris's teachings are rooted in his own journey of transformation, embodying the principles to inspire authentic change.

Innovator in Habit Formation:

Chris has pioneered a unique strategy for creating lasting habits, with the hope of inspiring positive, permanent change.

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The Habit Funnel Method Audiobook

Bonus #2:The Habit Funnel Method Illustrated Workbook

The easiest way to practice the method, the official Workbook contains full colour diagrams of every exercise, self-assessment, model and training process mentioned in the book.

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The Habit Funnel Method workbook

Bonus #3: The Habit Funnel Swipe File™

16 templated Habit Funnel examples covering all 8 Life Domains that you can use to kickstart your habit brainstorming sessions, and trigger new ideas for your own Habit Funnels. See exactly how I build habits using the method, so you can deep-dive your subconscious with greater clarity and precision to improve your habits faster and forever.

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The Habit Funnel Method workbook

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Take The Frustration Out Of Building Habits & Hitting Your Business Goals with My Proven Method

Learn how to tap into and reprogram your subconscious mind to align your habits with your entrepreneurial goals for sustained success, with this complete habit-building toolkit.

The Habit funnel Method

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Your purchase of $4.99 is backed by my
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If you read the book and go through all the material, and you're like "nah, this ain't for me", simply email me and I'll refund your money in full. No questions asked, valid for an entire year.

Got questions? I got answers...

Whether you're curious about the book's unique approach, its application to your personal and professional growth, or practical steps for implementation, find clarity and confidence as you embark on your transformative journey.

What makes The Habit Funnel Method different from other habit change books?

This book introduces the innovative Habit Funnel Method, focusing on reprogramming your subconscious to achieve lasting habit change. Unlike others, it offers a step-by-step guide to understand and leverage the smallest components of habits for significant life changes.

Can I benefit from the book if I'm not a business owner?

Absolutely! While the book is tailored for entrepreneurs and business owners, its principles on habit formation, subconscious reprogramming, and achieving personal and professional success are universal and can benefit anyone motivated to make profound changes in their life.

How long will it take to see results after applying the methods in the book?

Results can vary based on individual commitment and the habits being targeted. However, readers often report noticing significant changes in their approach to habit formation and overall mindset within a few weeks of consistently applying the book's strategies.

Is The Habit Funnel Method suitable for beginners in personal development?

Yes, the book is designed to be accessible to readers at all levels of personal development experience. It offers clear, actionable guidance for anyone looking to improve their habits, regardless of their starting point.

Do I need any special tools or resources to implement the Habit Funnel Method?

No special tools are required. The method emphasises introspection, mindfulness, and strategic planning, all of which can be practiced without any additional resources.

How can The Habit Funnel Method help me in my personal life?

By teaching you to rewire your subconscious and refine your habits, the book can help improve various aspects of your personal life, including relationships, health, and personal fulfilment.

Is the book based on scientific research about habit formation?

Yes, The Habit Funnel Method is grounded in the latest psychological research on habit formation, behavioural science, and subconscious programming, ensuring that its strategies are both effective and scientifically supported.

Can this book help me if I've failed to change my habits in the past?

Definitely. The book specifically addresses common pitfalls in habit change and provides a fresh perspective and new tools to overcome previous challenges, making it ideal for those who have struggled with habit change before.

How much time per day do I need to dedicate to applying the methods described in the book?

The time commitment can vary, but even dedicating as little as 15-30 minutes a day to applying the strategies and reflections recommended in the book can lead to meaningful progress.

Where can I purchase The Habit Funnel Method print edition?

The book is available for purchase on various platforms, including Amazon and directly from our website. You can add a print edition to your cart on this page for just $10 + shipping (RRP $34.99).

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